Solution for hospitals

Solution for hospitals

The hospital management is responsible for securing smooth run of the medical facility. Their financial resources are often limited. In order to maintain a good reputation the hospital needs to invest significant amounts into new medical equipment and the hospital facilities.  

When providing a complex medical treatment the staff needs to be ready for unexpected situations when the life of the patients and the staff itself is in danger. The hospital has to provide secure environment for care provision and lower the risks possibility to a minimum.

We provide technologies that help lower the costs of hospital care and prevent from unnecessary damages on people’s health and property. Our solution also allows for immediate reaction to a situation at the moment of its origin or even preventing it.

Use the same technologies as the top companies on the market

  • Make the work easier for managers, technicians and controlling operators. Do not pay for unauthorised interventions. Use all the advantages of 1Box technology for network operations and monitoring centres such as phone call recording, alarm video verification, navigation of the intervention vehicles to the object location, monitoring of guards and keeping track of their patrols and coordination of intervention services in places that are not covered by own vehicles.
  • Do not spend unnecessary resources on purchasing the alarm receiving centre – rent 1Box technology for network operations and monitoring centres.
  • Enjoy regular free software and hardware update. We guarantee full technical support and further development of our products.
  • Integrate your current technologies into our alarm receiving centre – 1Box allows for connecting NAM system communicators and transmitters as well as products and technologies of other producers.
  • Be competitive during selection procedures. Do not spend unnecessary money on IT staff, equipment and operation of the technological centre.
  • Provide intervention services in place that you vehicles do not cover. Cooperate with intervention partners.
  • Help your customers understand extend and quality of your services. Show them the advantages of your monitoring centre. The quality of products and services is proven by many years of operation as well as certification by local or international authorities.
  • We understand monitoring technologies. Ask our skilled technicians. Send you employees to training
  • Rely on 24/7/365 controlling operation and monitoring of our technologies. In case of an outage we are immediately ready to take action or utilize our back-up server.


Solution for security agencies

Security agencies are responsible for monitoring objects and protecting people and properties.  The business of security agencies is difficult and highly competitive. The company managers must deal with demanding customers who require high quality of services for low prices.

We offer monitoring technologies that will help you keep up with the best on the market. Be competitive and offer products that are constantly updated and evolved:

  • operation and monitoring centres
  • surveillance and monitoring of objects
  • physical security
  • fire prevention
  • coordination of intervention vehicles

Provide top-level security services. Win over the customers, let them experience the unique quality of your services.

Utilize our special technologies for firefighters and make your job easier

  • We offer solution for remote transfer. It is designated for automatic transfer of information about statuses of objects secured by the electronic fire alarm systems into the operation centre where an intervention is managed. Our devices are compatible with most available electronic fire alarm systems on the market.
  • Fire sensors placed in object are connected to alarm receiving centre. A fire is reported by the fire detector at the exact moment of its origin therefore the reaction time is extremely short. The fire department reacts much earlier and does not depend on the call from a by passer. The controlling operator gains extra minutes that can help protect lives and property.
  • 1Box® system receives and displays messages from objects. REGGAE eps DATA, a specially developed communicator, collects data from fire switchboards received from individual detectors and sends all into NET-G controlling software.
  • Connection to KOPIS – in case of an installation of 1Box in the county or regional control room, collected data are further transferred into the information system of the Fire Rescue Services. In case of a fire the firefighters have information about the object, but also about the exact place (room) of the fire or the exact placement of the sensor that has detected the fire.    
  • A fire report and a device failure report could be split into two control rooms. The fire control room operator takes care of the fires and the technical issues are dealt with by a technical support partner.
  • Our solutions are in compliance with all legal acts and legislations of the fire rescue department of the Czech Republic. All our products and components are tested in authorized laboratories and comply with requirements for electromagnetic compatibility. The system was certified by the directorate-general of the Fire rescue services general and complies with standards for fire security.
  • ONI system GPS tracking units placed in individual fire vehicles send information about the placement of the fire equipment. The controlling operator on duty can see the location of individual vehicles, where they are going and when they will arrive there. The operator can coordinate the fire vehicles remotely. He can also send coordinates to a vehicle thanks to connection between the GPS unit and navigation and send the driver to a place with reported fire or other emergency.
  • Data from electronic fire alarm systems as well as from other communication detectors and devices could be sent to 1Box alarm receiving centre. The devices are used to monitor various life threatening situations. The sensors can detect e.g. a leakage of dangerous substances or increased water surface over a set level. The controlling operator can use the information to announce an emergency situation and quickly alarm and coordinate the emergency and rescue services.

Solution for firefighters

The firefighters are here to ensure the safety of people and property. The operators of the fire department and the firefighters themselves need immediate information on the following:

  • fire origin or detailed information about a serious accident on the object
  • possible leakage of dangerous substances
  • increase of the water surface level and other monitoring statuses

All firefighting services require reliable and perfect coordination during fire elimination in order to stop its spreading and minimise the damages.

We provide technologies that help minimise unnecessary damage on a property or a human health. Our systems help react quickly to an emergency situation at the moment of its origin or even help to prevent it.

Make your work easier with monitoring technologies for towns

We produce hardware and software that can prevent damages on property and human health. Our technologies can facilitate the operation of the town assets by creating products and services for the following purposes:

  • Surveillance and monitoring of objects – connect a day care centre to 1Box alarm receiving centre and have information about statuses of monitored objects, disturbance, vandalism or fire safety.
  • Effective operation of the police – connect 1Box monitoring system with the town camera system, the information system of the police and system for recording phone calls.
  • Managing the street lights – use the system to manage turning the lights on and off, for reporting of outages or identification of the distribution board inputs; reduce the electricity costs.
  • Managing the heat distribution – measure the energy offtake of individual objects or monitor critical statuses of boiler rooms.
  • Improving the quality of care and safety of the elderly – in case of a drop in staff numbers maintain the care quality level by equipping the care house with panic buttons and other devices and systems for remote communication with a career, nurse or emergency services.
  • Technical services – monitoring of gritting and road salting vehicles, optimal utilization of the trucks during winter maintenance.
  • Collection of municipal waste – monitoring of municipal vehicles and optimization of routes and trips.
  • Record keeping of the service vehicles run – optimization of the vehicles operation, generation of log book.
  • Monitoring of public transport – information on location, timekeeping and delay of buses.
  • Monitoring of parking meters – detection of damage through vandalism, coin filling status, breakdown statuses, which can cause significant economic loss.
  • Other technical statuses of the town infrastructure – monitoring of the water surface level on rivers and brooks, leakage of substances, monitoring of temperature.

Solution for towns

The town administration is responsible for the safety of properties and assets and also for the safety of the people. The town representatives and the emergency and security services need immediate information about:

  • vandalism
  • unauthorised entry into town objects
  • movement of unauthorised people
  • people at risk whose life is under thread
  • people whose safety and health is under thread, people at risk

Every year the town representatives need to prepare a balanced budget and at the same time secure all the necessary services for its citizens. We help the towns lower the costs of:  

  • Municipal waste collection
  • Street lighting
  • Operation of technical services
  • Operation of police, fire departments or emergency medical services

We deliver technologies that help prevent unnecessary damages on the property and the health of citizens. It also allows for immediate reaction to an emergency situation or even its prevention.

Use ONI system for effective rally organization

  • Major improvement of rally organisation and coordination between Rally Control operators, the rally marshals and the rescue services. Improvement of safety on the track.
  • Online overview of race and supporting vehicle movements and overview of crews with identification and contact details. Maps with marked routes of special stages, positions of individual vehicles, important points on the track and other POIs including key personnel details.
  • Automatic recording of when vehicles cross a special stage start/finish point.
  • Monitoring of planned and unplanned stops on the track. Minimizing the danger to those crews approaching a vehicle that has made an unplanned stop on the track.
  • Red flags are received by the crew around 2 seconds after being sent by Rally Control (where GSM coverage is available). Immediate resolving of dangerous situations (accident, life threatening situation), communication with the crew, dispatching of the closest rally marshal to the scene.
  • Immediate dispatching of rescue services and paramedics, suspension of the stage, notification of obstacle on the track sent to approaching vehicles. Rally Control can choose to which vehicles red flags should be sent to. Crews must confirm receipt of the red flag notification.


Look at NAM-system_Rally_EN.pdf

  • SOS panel in the cars with a SOS switch to call for help and an OK button to allow crews to confirm that they are OK if an alarm situation arises.
  • Back up radio transmission channel. Units inside the vehicle can also send information (of alarms) in areas without GSM coverage. Communication via radio channel 868 MHz.
  • Service technicians can check before the rally (via a self-test) that the unit is operational and transmitting data.
  • Wireless GPS trackers are also available for reconnaissance. Each crew is entitled to drive through the stage course several times before the rally. The drivers must comply with the general traffic code for driving during normal traffic. The rally organizers can then check data from the reconnaissance units. If a traffic code is violated, the crew may be penalized.
  • NON-STOP monitoring of the rally portal during the rally by the ONI system control centre.

Rally monitoring

Every rally organizer must comply with rules and regulations that ensure the safety of crews as well as spectators and local residents. The special stages often run through villages and urban areas. It is necessary to coordinate the rally support such as the rally marshals, Rally Control, ambulances and other rescue services as well as the actual rally participants.

ONI system GPS units are installed in the race vehicles and these significantly improve the safety of the drivers as well as the spectators and also help to prevent and/or deal with unexpected situations. Rally Control can monitor all registered vehicles 24/7 via the online portal ( and have precise information about the movements and status of the vehicles.

The Rally Control operators monitor race vehicle movements and receive immediate information about accidents or obstacles on the track. They can react to these immediately and, if necessary, send red flags to stop the race.


Make your work easier with ONI system monitoring units

  • Create the vehicle log book in a simple and efficient way. ONI system web portal allows for exporting accurate data of all trips into MS Excel format. Creating a logbook for a whole year can take as little as 30 minutes. Have data for your accountant ready quickly and without hassle.
  • Do you charge your customers per kilometre? Use reports with fuel consumption and trip length. Set the appropriate price for a kilometre.
  • Would you like to improve the driving style and reactions of your drivers? Do they break or accelerate too aggressively? Use the Driving style feature, evaluate the drivers’ habits, suggest improvements and lower the fuel costs and the vehicles wear and tear.
  • Do you transport special cargo or run a cold chain? Have the temperature of the under control with a temperature sensor in the cargo space.
  • Protect your vehicle against theft. Deal with any damage immediately. Receive SMS and e-mail about the vehicle or the wheel theft, vehicle towing or accident on the parking lot. See the vehicle position in ONI system portal and alarm the police.
  • Do your employees use company vehicles? Use the Driving style feature to see how the vehicles are being handles. Set zones and have immediate information when a vehicle leaves or enters the predefined area. Compare your fuel consumption and the consumption of your drivers.
  • Are you afraid of thieves? Do you wish to avoid meeting them face to face? Do you need assurance that your vehicle could be traced-back even if the GSM signal is jammed? Use the services of our partner intervention groups. Let them find your vehicle even in places without GSM signal.


Solution for sole traders

Sole traders are usually busy. Most of the work is done themselves and are often late with tax returns applications. The automatic log book can make their life much easier.

For the sole traders, a stolen vehicle means a real hindrance. They need their vehicle 24/7 due to the nature of their work. ONI system GPS unit monitors and protects their vehicles so the sole traders can focus on their job.

Utilize smart technologies for heavy lorries and fright transport

  • Effective control and management of the lorries run. Online monitoring – where and when did the drive leave, where is he right now and where is he going to. Speed check as per the producer’s regulations. The owner or the manager receives SMS or e-mail if the set speed is exceeded.
  •  The monitoring is possible in the Czech Republic as well as anywhere in the world (including Turkey, Russia or Greece).
  • Generation of a log book, record of the vehicle run (STAZKA travel authorization in the Czech Republic) – overview of individual trips, routes records, speedometer statuses, travelled kilometres and fuel consumption. Data for the tax office with number of driven kilometres and the length of trips abroad.
  • The connection between GPS navigation and ONI system unit provides a tool for online communication between the operator and the driver. The driver can receive the target information, tips for the best routes ort he estimated time of arrival. In case there is a lorry en route, the operator can send the driver new coordinates for unplanned loading. This can help save money and time and optimize the fright transport management.
  • Monitoring the driving style of your drivers – extreme breaking, aggressive acceleration, fluency or maximum speed check. If improvement is needed, the manager can send the misconducting driver for additional training. Statistics and daily overview could be exported separately for individual drivers. Each driver uses a tag to identify himself. Optimize the driver’s behaviour and lower the costs related to the lorry wear and tear and servicing.   
  • Installation of fuel level meter into the fuel tank allows for monitoring the refuelling frequency, the amount of refuelled gas, quality of the fuel, places of refuelling and consumption. Our system supports commercial and private fuel cards.
  • Panic button could be used by the driver in case of emergency or when feeling threaten. If pressed, the operator in ONI control room is informed and contacts the vehicle owner immediately.
  • Securing of the cargo space with tampers and switches against unauthorized entry. In case of unauthorized entry an alarm is sent to ONI system control room and the vehicle owner is notified.
  • Cold chain management – temperature monitoring for vehicles transporting food prone to spoilage (refrigeration boxes, etc.). By connecting the external temperature sensor you can view the cargo space temperature charts.
  • Lorry guarding. Immediate SMS or e-mail about minor or serious accident.
  • Utilization of data acquired from the GPS unit not only within ONI system portal but also for the customer’s control room – sending information from the unit into the integration systems (ERP) of the customer via APN.

Lorry and fright transport monitoring

Owners of fright transportation companies must deal with expenses related to operation, purchase of new vehicles and wear and tear on one hand and profit coming from realized transportation contracts on the other hand.

The main goal is to lower the operational costs, route optimization and the utilization of the vehicles. Every owner needs good data for the right price policy. Is the calculated price correct or are we loosing on this contract? Can we assure the safety of the cargo? Are the employees steeling the fuel? Does any of the vehicles need servicing?

Optimize your bus transportation services

  • Lower the costs related to idling. The GPS unit monitors the bus’s idling time and if the set value is exceeded the unit reports it in the system as an offence.
  • Lower the costs by monitor your drivers‘ driving style. The unit monitors aggressive acceleration that causes higher fuel consumption. You can compare the driving style of individual buses as well as drivers. Evaluate the consumption per driven kilometre for individual trip. By improving the driving style of your drivers you can considerably reduce costs related to fuel consumption.
  • Lower the cost by monitoring the heating and air conditioning. The unit in the bus records the time of heating and provides a chart with the temperature progress. The unit can recognize if the maximum set temperature has been exceeded and records it in the system.
  • Lower the service related costs. The unit recognizes that the engine is being over-speeded. The high RPM time is recorded and reported as an incident.
  • Increase the passengers‘ safety. The unit monitors the maximum allowed speed. An exceeded speed is again reported as an incident.
  • Data from the GPS unit could be utilized via the web portal or have the data sent into your ERP system via API and provide it to your control room.
  • Ensure the driver’s safety. If attacked, he can use the panic button installed on the dashboard to call for help.

Monitoring of bus transportation services

The owners of bus companies are constantly struggling to find the right balance between the operational costs and the necessity to satisfy the customers’ needs and the actual income from the passengers.

They also need to optimize the buses’ utilization as best as possible and lower the operational costs. The key is in having a perfect overview of the buses’ movement and an automatically generated log book.

Utilize technologies for handling machinery

  • Monitor the usage of the handling machinery. Supervise the drivers‘ behaviour while driving and handling the machinery. Have good overview of the trip times, number of trips, identify drivers and the way they handle the equipment, recognize accidents and impact intensity. Lower the wear and tear and service costs. Increase the productivity by proper machinery utilization and by improving the work safety.
  • Prevent unauthorized manipulation with a forklift and other equipment. Use immobilization feature so the driver has to identify himself by using a special tag. Only trained personnel are therefore allowed to handle the machinery.
  • Monitor the forklift utilization and the daily active time. How effectively do you utilize your forklifts? Do you optimize the run of your fleet and your handling machinery?
  • Use various reports with detailed information, have good overview of the forklifts‘ utilization, number of forklifts necessary for one shift, how long are the forklifts operating and how quickly they can charge.
  • Plan the vehicle servicing and battery recharging and lower the related costs.  Minimize outages and limit idling time. Monitor the capacity and the voltage of the forklift battery.
  • The service button allows for immediate reporting of the forklift malfunction. Speed up the service department reaction time.
  • Work with data in API format obtained by the GPS unit in the vehicle. Process the relevant data in ONI system portal ( as well as in your information system.
  • Are the forklifts used by the right department? Set zones to limit the movement of your machinery. In case the machine leaves a predefined zone, an SMS or/and e-mail is generated to notify the responsible person about the situation. Prevent unauthorised usage and needless wear and tear.


Monitoring of handling machinery

The owners of industrial areas always need to lower expenses related to operating and servicing of pallet truck and forklifts.

They need to optimize their machinery fleet continuously, improve its utilitation and make sure the drivers handle all machines with care.

Utilize technologies for building machinery and make your work easier

  • Monitor the work of individual machines. Find out the reason for excessive idling time and limit it to a minimum.
  • Optimize the utilization of your work groups. Manage the machine usage on individual departments.
  • Use navigation as a mobile attendance system. Record the start and the end of a work day, breaks, loading and uploading.
  • Monitor the plan for the machines regular maintenance and servicing.
  • Identify individual drivers. Prevent penalties caused by unauthorized drivers.
  • Lower the fuel consumption and the motor wear and tear. Monitor the motor over-speeding, the proper usage of gears, travelled distance and refuelling. Discover possible fuel theft or the overuse of additional heating.
  • Run the log book electronically. Manage the bookkeeping and recording based on individual contracts.
  • Monitor the towing or theft of expensive building machinery.
  • Protect your employees. Implement a panic button for emergency situations.
  • Have the system monitor unwanted statuses and send you SMS or e-mails.