Advantages of using services for vehicle safety and protection

Advantages of using services for vehicle safety and protection

  • Vehicle trace-back even in case of GSM signal jamming thanks to NAM’s own radio network
  • Immediate response to vehicle theft via more than 150 response vehicles across the Czech Republic
  • SMS and e-mail notification about vehicle or tire theft, towing or accident on the parking lot in real time
  • 24/7 active guarding of your vehicles thanks to NON-STOP ONI controlling
  • Discount for accident insurance as per the terms and conditions of the insurance company (only for Czech customers)
  • Setting of allowed areas for entering and existing and speed limits with Zones and rules features – immediate notification about rule violation vie SMS and e-mail


Vehicle safety and protection follow-up

NAM system’s own radio network allows for tracing back a stolen vehicle also if a GSM signal jamming is used. We cooperate with more than 50 security agencies across the Czech Republic. A vehicle with ONI trace-back system could be at the place of intervention within minutes and immediately begin the search.

The Zones and rules feature is an ideal tool for monitoring the vehicle movement in predefined areas. A zone can have any shape – circle, rectangle or polygon – and size. Individual rules could be set for every zone and SMS and e-mails are sent to specified receiver(s) upon entry, exist and exceeding the set speed limit within the monitored area.


Advantages of NAM®technology communicators

Save time and expenses by using the advanced functionalities of our communicators.  

  • Remote and local configuration and diagnostic
  • Remote upgrade
  • Data protection – AES128, APN
  • Fast and easy installation
  • SIM cards already included in delivered devices
  • Usage of multiSIM for automatic switch between GSM networks
  • One device can communicate via several communication routes
  • Variants – only printed circuit or ready-to-use box with a source and a battery

Communicators for asset monitoring and data transfer

NAM system offers communication devices that provide fast and safe transfer of information from the monitored asset switch board to the controlling of Alarm Receiving Centre. We have solution for all communication routes and all the asset types. As the system developer we can quickly react to customer needs. The devices comply with all safety regulations and are approved by the Czech Fire-fighting department.

 Areas of utilization: 

  • Security systems – specially developed communicators – REGGAE and SAMBA, which can connect as many as 99 % commonly available switchboards for Intruder and hold-up alarm systems. It includes fixed inputs, outputs and data lines (RS 232/485, WIEGAND, DALLAS). It supports all commonly used transfer routes or its combinations (GSM-GPRS/SMS, private radio, LAN, VTS).
  • Fire Alarm Systems – ZDP REGGAE, the device for remote transfer, supports the data communication with most of the fire alarm switchboards. The devices have fixed inputs and communication lines (RS232/485) for transfer of detailed information from the switchboard. The communication is carried out via GSM (GPRS/SMS), radio network or its combination.

Access control and attendance systems – the REGGAE communicators in combination with readers (WIEGAND, DALLAS) are ideal for simple applications for data collection and for managing the access control. The communication is done via GSM networks.

NAM system offers communication devices that provide fast and safe transfer of information from the monitored asset switch board to the controlling of Alarm Receiving Centre. We have solution for all communication routes and all the asset types. As the system developer we can quickly react to customer needs. The devices comply with all safety regulations and are approved by the Czech Fire-fighting department.

 Areas of utilization: 

  • Security systems – specially developed communicators – REGGAE and SAMBA, which can connect as many as 99 % commonly available switchboards for Intruder and hold-up alarm systems. It includes fixed inputs, outputs and data lines (RS 232/485, WIEGAND, DALLAS). It supports all commonly used transfer routes or its combinations (GSM-GPRS/SMS, private radio, LAN, VTS).
  • Fire Alarm Systems – ZDP REGGAE, the device for remote transfer, supports the data communication with most of the fire alarm switchboards. The devices have fixed inputs and communication lines (RS232/485) for transfer of detailed information from the switchboard. The communication is carried out via GSM (GPRS/SMS), radio network or its combination.

Access control and attendance systems – the REGGAE communicators in combination with readers (WIEGAND, DALLAS) are ideal for simple applications for data collection and for managing the access control. The communication is done via GSM networks.

Advantages of using NAM system communications routes

  • All solutions are developed for security applications and they also cover the highest risks through a combination of multiple communication channels.
  • Data traffic is economical considering both the volume of transferred data and the costs of the operating of these solutions.

  • NSG Network Services can be used immediately after installation of the receiver. Therefore it is not necessary to deal with the SIM cards, etc.
  • Technologies can be rented you will get all as service, including permanently available experts on these technologies.

Advantages of using ONI system technologies for vehicle monitoring

  • ONI controlling – 24/7 telephone support
  • Wheel theft, accident on the parking lot or vehicle towing could be detected thanks to highly sensitive accelerometer sensor integrated in the monitoring unit
  • Easy handling, automatic generation of the log-book (only for Czech customers)
  • Complex reports with important information on the drivers’ work effectiveness – idling time, time of engine run, the engine over-speeding
  • Machine utilization – ideal for agricultural and working machinery – detailed reports on the machine inactivity – moving between work or transferring from place to place (longer distances), or being transported (on a deck by using other vehicle)
  • Driving style – detection of aggressive driving, possibility of decreasing the fuel usage and the vehicle wear and tear
  • Increased security of the operating personnel – panic button to call for help

Technologies for vehicle monitoring follow-up

The ONI system “accident detection” feature has been tested while securing the run of rallies managed by the Autoclub of the Czech Republic. The feature allows for evaluating the accident and analysing its seriousness. We also have own radio network and can trace back a stolen vehicle on the whole territory of the Czech Republic. Well-arranged and ready-to-use reports for managers show any misuse of the vehicles or a possible fuel theft.

Connection to the vehicle on-board computer (CAN a FMS) provides precise information about the trip length, the odometer status before and after the trip and also the amount of fuel in the tank before and after the trip.

Manage your company and the employees in an easy, safe way and sleep peacefully

We offer own hardware and software that helps manage and protect the company’s property and people’s health from unnecessary damage.

 Use GPS and radio units in your vehicles.

  • Identify the drivers – know exactly which vehicle was driven by which driver, where did each driver go and how well did he handle the vehicle.
  • Have the driver’s work under control – monitor the kilometres driven, time spent en route or on transfers. Set allowed and forbidden areas and designate his work scope. Monitor the entries and exits from one area into another.
  • Do the drivers use company vehicle for private trips? Differentiate between business and private trips with a special switch and charge your employees for private trips.
  • Lower the costs on fuel consumption or the vehicle wear and tear. Evaluate the driving style and have information about the driver’s level of aggressiveness, his ability to foresee, engine over-speeding, aggressive breaking and acceleration.
  •  Generate an automatic vehicle log book – the processing and approving of the travel orders is simple and fast.
  • Increase the efficiency and utilization of your vehicles by planning and managing the drivers, their trips and routes. Match expenses to the right contracts – identify individual trips via the contracts’ numbers. Use Garmin navigation connected with the GPS unit in the vehicle and send targets to the drivers. Set POI for easier navigation in the field.
  •  Prevent your vehicles from theft. The GPS unit installed in the vehicle sends immediate SMS and e-mail in case of the vehicle or the wheel theft, towing of the vehicle or accident on the parking lot. Deal with such situation right when they happen.
  • Have detailed information about the vehicle run provided by the on-board computer, the accurate fuel consumption thanks to connection to the vehicle CANBus.
 Monitor your objects with professional providers of safety and fire alarm services who use our technologies.

  • Use the advantages of devices with remote transfer. Such devices are designated for automatic transfer of statuses of objects secures by electronic fire alarm systems into the place where interventions are organized from. Fire call points placed within the objects are connected to alarm receiving centre. The fire is reported by the fire call point immediately after the fire has started. The reaction time is decreased rapidly. The firefighters gain precious minutes that can save people’s lives and property.
  • Improve the protection of the company property against intrusion or theft of goods and material. Thanks to 1Box® monitoring system your objects are monitored 24/7 by the control room operators who can react to unexpected situation right immediately. Use the advantages of camera systems or electronic safety and fire systems. Was the intervention authorized? Ask your provider for a camera recordings of the situation before the intervention and complete telephone communication that took place after the intrusion. Don’t waste money on unnecessary interventions!
  • Do you wish to have your objects under control anywhere and anytime?   Use MojePCO mobile application for monitoring objects connected to alarm receiving centre. Have information about the alarm statuses, switching on and off the object arming, failures related to object monitoring and records of carried out interventions including comments from the monitoring centre operator.
  •  We provide NON-STOP monitoring of technologies. Our partners have their objects and assets under control 24/7/365. We are able to deal with any unexpected situation or an outage immediately.


Obtain status of high-quality school, support education

  • Engage students, provide practical education. Use technologies that can simulate a real operation. Test the device responses. Support students in obtaining knowledge and experience important for their future employees.
  • Rent technologies and equipment for educational purposes for free, do not spend money on purchasing it.
  • Make the work of teachers easier. Use teaching scripts and trainings from our specialists.
  • Do you need to monitor the school premises? Use our technologies for monitoring assets and vehicles.
  • Test the knowledge obtained by your students during the Zelená myš (Green mouse) competition organised by NAM system every year. One hour of practical education is worth ten hours of theory. The tests are carried out by specialists on monitoring technologies which offers real-life experience for the students who can ask questions and consult their knowledge.

Make the work of police and army easier

We provide solutions that can help prevent damages on the property and the health of citizens. We offer products and services for:


  • Remote object monitoring – have non-stop information on the monitored objects statuses and possible intrusions by connecting them to 1Box® alarm receiving centre. Monitor objects and manage alarms from various sensors, cameras and electronic fire and alarm systems.
  • Safety and monitoring of patrol services – use mobile emergency devices and GPS trackers to obtain information about the movement of monitored people and their current positions. In case of emergency the monitored person can use a panic button to call for help.
  • Monitoring of movement of armed services vehicles operating within secured areas or in an open space. The GPS and radio units placed in individual vehicles send information about the vehicle movement and other statuses. The controlling operator can see positions of the vehicles, where they are going, when they are arriving and how long they have stayed there. The operator can efficiently and remotely coordinate police or army vehicles out in the field.

Solution for police and army

The main responsibility of the police and army is the safety and security of people and property. In order to carry out a successful intervention the rescue or fire services need quick and precise information about the effected object or an unauthorized movement of the intruders.

We provide technologies that allow for monitoring objects, reacting quickly to accidents at the moment of its origin or even for preventing it. Our systems provide maximum useful information that could be used to better evaluate the seriousness of the intervention and threfore to decide where, when and how to intervene.

Czech Police

Make your work easier with technologies for industrial areas

  • Utilize the advantages of our solution for remote transfer. It serves for automatic transfer of information about objects’ statuses secured by electronic fire alarm systems sending information to the control room. The fire call point reports the following information into 1Box system – where does the fire origin is, from which place it was reported and from which sensor. The controller, who remotely checks the statuses of objects and devices connected to alarm receiving centre can get extra minutes to deal with emergency situations and help save lives.
  • Improve the safety of a facility and protect it from trespassing. Thanks to 1Box monitoring system your objects could be protected 27/7The stationed security guards can quickly deal with unauthorized personnel. Monitor the object and its statuses via SMS sent from secured systems or video from camera systems connected to the object.
  • Manage the lights and heat distribution remotely you can switch the lights on and off, you can receive information on emergency statuses or identification of the distribution boards’ inputs, measure the energy offtake of individual objects or monitor critical statuses of boiler rooms. Lower the heat and electricity costs and have immediate information about outages and breakdowns.
  • You can monitor vehicles’ movement and machine work within the industrial area thanks to magnetic or Plug & Play units. It is not necessary to install the units permanently, but you can move them from vehicle to vehicle according to your needs. The magnetic unit is equipped by a strong magnet and could be place anywhere on the vehicle, also on the chassis. The unit is water and shock resistant and suitable for heavy duty. Monitor the utilization of machines and handling equipment and track the movement of visiting vehicles within your premises.
  • Monitor the transfer of dangerous substances, such as petrol or explosives and comply with the requirement of the Ministry of the environment. Create vehicle log books and other reports. Track the movement of railroad carriages transporting shipment for your customer. Avoid penalties and sanctions for late delivery.

Solution for industrial areas

It is necessary to run precautionary patrols within the industrial areas which are focused on the facility safety and prevention of trespassing. The security services focus on monitoring personal vehicles and trucks, possible assault on objects and the movement of suspicious people. Their focus is also on monitoring places with high fire risk or storage places with dangerous substances where fire and security signalling is installed and regularly check by the guards.

We provide technologies that help protect human health and assets against unnecessary damage, allow for reacting quickly to accidents at the moment of its origin or even preventing it. The control room operator or the guard receive immediate report about an assault, fire or dangerous substance leakage and can quickly act on it.

Have every possible situation under control. Use special features offered by our network operations and monitoring centre, the communicators and GPS vehicle units.

Lower the costs of a hospital run, secure the patients and staff safety and security

  • Make the administration of a hospital and the hospital property easier. With 1Box monitoring system the hospital security can monitor all connected objects and manage alarm statuses. The security officer can have immediate info about the monitored people and the history of all alarm situations. He is at once informed about the movement of unauthorized people in restricted areas. He can therefore prevent theft (e.g. of medical equipment or material) or just prevent the wrong people from trespassing.
  • Manage the fire risk – the fire systems connected to alarm receiving centre allows provides immediate information about fire and its place of origin. The security can deal with the fire immediately, within tens of seconds.
  • Lower electricity costs – utilize the possibility to remotely manage technologies and street lights (turning the lights on and off, get reports on outages). Have you electricity costs under control.
  • Have possible substance leakage under control – monitor exceeded humidity at the hospital premises. Sensors connected with communicators and 1Box alarm receiving centre notifies you about any exceeded statuses. You can quickly deal with any situation and prevent more serious damages.
  • Monitor hospital vehicles with GPS units – have accurate information about their positions, about trips and drivers. Create log book automatically and have your fleet under control.
  • Accelerate the communication between the emergency medical services, the doctors and the control room. GPS unit placed in the vehicles sends information about its position and the route of the trip. The controlling operator knows exactly where the cars are going, when they are reaching its destination and he can coordinate the movement of the vehicles. Equip vehicles with navigation connected with GPS units. The operator can send GPS coordinated of the place where a medical intervention is needed into the navigation. The request could be sent directly from ONI system portal.
  • Secure the safety of patients who need special care. Use system of wireless buttons to enable the patients call for help in case of emergency.

Protect your employees. Physical attacks by patients at the hospital premises are not an exception these days. Enable the staff call for help with panic buttons in case of emergency.